Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    Form 13F

                               FORM 13F COVER PAGE

Report for the Calendar Year or Quarter Ended: DECEMBER 31, 2004

Check here if Amendment |_|; Amendment Number:____________
This Amendment (Check only one.): |_| is a restatement.
                                  |_| adds new holdings entries.

Institutional Investment Manager Filing this Report:

         NORTHBROOK, IL. 60062-7127

Form 13F File Number: 28-01037

The institutional manager filing this report and the person by whom it is signed
hereby represent that the person signing the report is authorized to submit it,
that all information contained herein is true, correct and complete, and that it
is understood that all required items, statements, schedules, lists, and tables,
are considered integral parts of this form.

Person Signing this Report on Behalf of Reporting Manager:

Phone: 847-402-2170

Signature, Place, and Date of Signing:

      /s/  Doug Welch                      NORTHBROOK, IL.          2/9/2005
      -----------------------------     --------------------    ----------------
               [Signature]                  [City, State]            [Date]

Report Type (Check only one.):

|X|   13F HOLDINGS REPORT. (Check here if all holdings of thius reporting
      manager are reported in this report.)

|_|   13F NOTICE. (Check here if no holdings reported are in this report, and
      all hgoldings are reported by other reporting manager(s).).)

|_|   13F COMBINATION REPORT. (Check here if a portion of the holdings for this
      reporting manager are reported in this report and a portion are reported
      by other reporting manager(s).)

List of Other Managers Reporting for this Manager:

FORM 13F SUMMARY PAGE Report Summary: Number of Other Included Managers: ONE Form 13F Information Table Entry Total: 80 Form 13F Information Table Value Total: 275,208 (THOUSAND) List of Other Included Managers: Provide a numbered list of the name(s) and Form 13F file number(s) of all institutional investment managers with respect to which this report is filed, other than the manager filing this report. [If there are no entries in this list, state "NONE" and omit the column headings and list entries.] No. Form 13F File Number Name 1 028-10298 ALLSTATE INVESTMENTS LLC

FORM 13F REPORT NAME OF REPORTING MANAGER: ALLSTATE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY TITLE OF VALUE SHARES/ SH/ PUT/ INVSTMT OTHER VOTING AUTHORITY NAME OF ISSUER CLASS CUSIP (x$1000) PRN AMT PRN CALL DSCRETN MANAGERS SOLE SHARED NONE - ----------------------- -------- --------- -------- ------- --- ---- ------- -------- ------ ------- ------ DANAHER CORP. COMMON 235851102 1,722 30,000 SH DEFINED 1 X GENERAL MOTORS CORP REDEEMABLE P/S 370442717 3,999 150,000 SH DEFINED 1 X GENERAL MOTORS SERIES A REDEEMABLE P/S 370442741 3,513 140,000 SH DEFINED 1 X GENERAL MOTORS SERIES B REDEEMABLE P/S 370442733 1,730 75,000 SH DEFINED 1 X JOHNSON & JOHNSON COMMON 478160104 1,903 30,000 SH DEFINED 1 X 3M COMPANY DEBT 88579YAB7 3,640 4,050,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X AFFILIATED MANAGERS DEBT 008252AC2 1,191 1,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X ALLERGAN INC DEBT 018490AE2 587 600,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X ALZA CORP. DEBT 02261WAB5 3,572 4,100,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X AMDOCS LIMITED DEBT 02342TAD1 2,138 2,250,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X AMERICAN EXPRESS DEBT 025816AS8 6,789 6,250,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP DEBT 026874AN7 3,299 3,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X AMERICAN INTL GROUP DEBT 026874AP2 4,877 7,375,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X AMGEN INC DEBT 031162AE0 2,784 3,750,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X AON CORP DEBT 037389AT0 370 300,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X ARROW ELECTRONIC DEBT 042735AY6 3,736 7,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X AXCAN PHARMA INC DEBT 054923AB3 759 500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X BJ SERVICES CO DEBT 055482AF0 3,735 4,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X BRINKER INTERNATIONAL DEBT 109641AC4 1,285 2,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X CARNIVAL CORP DEBT 143658AN2 3,470 2,300,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X CARNIVAL CORP DEBT 143658AS1 4,326 4,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X CBRL GROUP INC DEBT 12489VAB2 3,299 6,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X CENTURYTEL INC DEBT 156700AH9 2,235 2,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X CHIRON CORP DEBT 170040AG4 2,805 3,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X COMPUTER ASSOCIATES INC DEBT 204912AR0 646 500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X COSTCO DEBT 22160QAC6 5,488 5,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X CSX CORP DEBT 126408GA5 6,525 7,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X DEVON ENERGY CORP DEBT 25179MAA1 7,691 7,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X DEVON ENERGY CORP. DEBT 25179MAB9 2,527 2,300,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X DIAMOND OFFSHORE DRILL DEBT 25271CAE2 3,180 3,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X DUKE ENERGY CORP DEBT 264399EJ1 3,368 3,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X EASTMAN KODAK CO DEBT 277461BE8 6,256 5,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X ELECTRONCIS FOR IMAGING DEBT 286082AA0 1,448 1,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X FLUOR CORP DEBT 343412AA0 2,280 2,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X FRANKLIN RESOURCES INC DEBT 354613AC5 3,167 4,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X GATX CORP DEBT 361448AC7 584 500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X GENERAL MILLS INC DEBT 370334AU8 1,063 1,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X GREATER BAY BANCORP DEBT 391648AP7 1,798 2,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X HARRIS CORP DEBT 413875AH8 590 400,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X HCC INSURANCE HOLDINGS DEBT 404132AB8 4,325 4,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X HEALTH MANAGEMENT ASSOC DEBT 421933AF9 786 750,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X HEWLETT PACKARD CO CONV DEBT 428236AC7 3,114 5,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X HILTON HOTELS CORP DEBT 432848AZ2 3,589 3,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X HORACE MANN EDUCATORS DEBT 440327AG9 1,330 2,800,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X INCO LTD DEBT 453258AT2 4,903 3,750,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X INCO LTD. DEBT 453258AM7 1,001 1,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X INTL GAME TECHNOLOGY DEBT 459902AL6 5,270 6,900,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X INTL PAPER CO DEBT 460146BM4 6,879 12,450,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X IVAX CORP DEBT 465823AG7 8,500 8,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X KERR-MCGEE DEBT 492386AP2 2,118 2,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X LEGG MASON INC DEBT 524901AG0 2,984 3,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X LEHMAN BROTHERS HOLDINGS DEBT 524908LS7 2,020 2,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X LEHMAN BROTHERS HOLDINGS DEBT 524908ML1 3,083 3,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X LIBERTY MEDIA DEBT 530715AR2 3,498 3,565,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X LIBERTY MEDIA / AT&T CORP DEBT 530715AG6 3,108 4,250,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X LIBERTY MEDIA CORP DEBT 530715AN1 2,123 2,250,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP DEBT 539830AP4 5,173 5,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X LOWES COMPANIES DEBT 548661CF2 3,329 3,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X LOWE'S COMPANIES INC DEBT 548661CG0 7,104 6,750,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X MANPOWER INC DEBT 56418HAC4 1,393 2,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X MEDIMMUNE INC DEBT 584699AE2 3,825 4,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X MEDTRONIC INC DEBT 585055AB2 11,427 11,300,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X MORGAN STANLEY DEBT 617446GR4 2,294 2,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X ODYSSEY RE HOLDINGS DEBT 67612WAB4 2,423 2,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X OMNICOM GROUP DEBT 681919AR7 6,508 6,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X PLACER DOME INC DEBT 725906AK7 920 750,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X PMI GROUP INC DEBT 69344MAE1 4,912 4,450,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X PPL ENERGY SUPPLY LLC DEBT 69352JAE7 2,803 2,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X RADIAN GROUP INC DEBT 750236AF8 1,523 1,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X REEBOK INTL LTD DEBT 758110AH3 3,806 3,500,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X TEVA PHARMACEUT FIN BV DEBT 88164MAB4 5,374 3,700,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X TEVA PHARMACEUT FIN BV DEBT 88164RAB3 2,030 2,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X TJX COMPANIES DEBT 872540AL3 1,755 2,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X TRANSOCEAN SEDCO FOREX DEBT 893830AD1 4,015 4,050,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X TYCO INTL GROUP SA DEBT 902118BF4 9,431 5,950,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X UNIV HEALTH SVCS DEBT 913903AL4 4,437 7,700,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X WALT DISNEY COMPANY DEBT 254687AU0 11,125 10,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X WATSON PHARMACEUTICALS DEBT 942683AC7 1,288 1,250,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X WEATHERFORD INT'L DEBT 947074AB6 4,288 6,700,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X WORLD COLOR PRESS, INC., CONVERTIBLE DEBT 981443AA2 1,025 1,000,000 PRN DEFINED 1 X - ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- "STOCK" 5 12,867 425,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- DEBT 75 262,341 280,990,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- REPORT TOTALS 80 275,208 281,415,000 - ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------